【President Blog】TASUC's philosophy

We are Happy ,so You are Happy.これは日本だから通用する言葉なんだって分かりました。本当は逆なんですね。私たちが「他者のために生きることが、最大の幸せ、それが仕事」という理念を普通に持ち合わせているのは教育のお陰なんですね。
We are Happy ,so You are Happy.I realized that this is a word that is commonly used in Japan.It's actually the opposite.It is thanks to education that we have the idea that "living for others is the greatest happiness, and that is work."

We are Happy ,so You are Happy
In the end, I think we live for others.Our philosophy is to "build a sustainable and sustainable support system for challenged individuals and their families."It is undoubtedly about individuals working for others.This is nothing but imposing this idea on other countries.Don't give up TASUC staff.Even if you smile, it doesn't show to the other person.At the end of the day, you must not behave in a way that makes you feel pampered.This is a battle of "ideas.”