【President Blog】TRYFULL entrance ceremony, joining ceremony

入校式の3つの誓い テーマ:挑戦
The three vows of the entrance ceremony Theme: Challenge
1<Helen Keller><ヘレン・ケラー>“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.”「楽観主義は物事を達成へと導く信仰のようなもの。希望と自信なしには何事をも成し遂げることはできない」
2<Michael Phelps><マイケル・フェリプス>“You can’t put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get.”「限界なんて作っちゃいけない。夢を見れば見るほど先に進める」
3<Satoshi Fukushima><福島 智>挑戦とは、常識的な意味での社会的な名誉や、ステータスを得ることだけが、その目標なのではなく、自らがしっかりと生きていくこと、そして自分と他者が共に生きていくことを支えていく営み自体の中に、本当に困難な部分があり、その営みこそが最も重要な「挑戦」なのだと思います。と言っています。
The goal of a challenge is not just to gain social honor or status in the common sense status, but to live well and to help oneself and others live together. There are some truly difficult aspects to the work of supporting people, and I believe that this work is the most important "challenge." That's what he is saying.

The three vows of the joining ceremony
1<even a stone will get warm if a person sits on it for three years>Even if you are known as a fireball group or a TASUC cult, and are shunned by those around you, the key is whether you can fully immerse yourself in it.
2<Acceptance of foreigners>There will always come a time when you will need the cooperation of foreigners in nursing care work, so the key is to be aware of Japanese culture and mentality, and to know foreign cultures and customs.
3<On-site principle>Our job is to be on-site and to be close to challenged people and their families, such as providing transportation and working equally as workers, so we can build our own future while seeing and feeling the site. The key is to go.

Three policies: treatment, education, and support projects
1<Strengthen trust/branding>
We will enhance two-way communication (mutual interaction). Review instant feedback via SNS, Zalo, etc.
2<Acquisition of foreign human resources>
Not only university students but also mid-career students will stay and study in Japan for about 2 to 3 years, asking the question, "Do you want to go to Japan?" After returning to Japan, they will contribute to the support environment in Vietnam.
3 <「挑戦」>をテーマにする。
3<The theme is “Challenge">
A report recording the challenges of a child becomes a hope and a goal for parents. Challenge is what parents and their children value.